
Kass Hall

Kass Hall knows that Redcliffe’s future is bright. Having settled on the Peninsula four years ago with her husband and two pugs, she’s committed to leading Redcliffe into a period of growth. Under the Miles Labor Government, essential infrastructure projects like expanding Redcliffe Hospital are underway to meet the needs of the growing community.

With a background in education and law enforcement, Kassandra understands the importance of quality public services and community safety. Her experience as a teacher and a Police Prosecutor in Townsville has given her firsthand insight into the challenges faced by Queensland law enforcement. She believes in the power of combining law enforcement with education and early intervention to create a safer community and provide opportunities for vulnerable youth.

As the local representative, Kassandra’s focus is on ensuring the Redcliffe Peninsula remains an affordable, safe and beautiful place to live. She’s committed to ensuring top-notch health services, local schools, job opportunities, and ongoing investment for the community.