
Eric Richman

Dr Eric Richman is a Dad, Husband, Veteran, a former paramedic and an Emergency Department Doctor. Living in a home he built in Kholo, Dr Richman has served his country as a medical officer in Afghanistan and has spent years advocating for others in our community.

Dr Richman has firsthand experience of the LNP’s attack on public health services when he fought alongside his fellow doctors against the Newman Government and Dr Christian Rowan when they were demanding doctors put profits above patient care. Eric and his colleagues stood together to stop the attack on health workers, and he hasn’t stopped advocating since then.

His experience standing up for doctors and patients made him even more passionate about the need for investment in local health services, which is why he wants to be your local MP.

Dr Richman’s experience as a chair of a not-for-profit organisation, as well as his corporate governance qualifications and negotiation on behalf of fellow healthcare workers, shows his passion lies in service to others, and that he has a track record of working hard to deliver for the community.

Dr Richman loves the outer western suburbs of Brisbane and has lived in the area for 20 years. He understands the challenges of congestion in our community, especially at the Kenmore roundabout and residents being impacted by local flooding, having experienced both of those issues himself.

As your representative for Moggill, he will fight for a better Queensland and a fair share for our community. Delivering on the services and infrastructure needed to make Moggill an even better place to live and work.