Our state and federal Labor teams are acting on the urgent challenges facing Queensland to create a better future for the many, and not just a few.
We’re committed to:
Strengthening Medicare by making it easier to see the doctor as well as making the biggest ever investment in new and expanded Queensland hospitals.
Fixing the LNP’s skill crisis by investing in Fee-Free TAFE and more university places.
Creating good, secure Queensland jobs with rising wages and better conditions.
Making child care and kindy cheaper so that it’s easier for working families to get ahead.
Making more things here by investing in manufacturing and renewables to create more Queensland jobs.
Delivering cheaper and cleaner energy with the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan – reducing emissions and creating the jobs of the future.
We’re making progress and delivering real, positive change to create a better future for all Queenslanders – because that’s what Labor does.
Stand up, join the fight, and make your voice heard – become a Labor member today.