
Tamika Hicks

Tamika is a proud Gold Coast local, who will always stand up for the many, not just the few. With a passion for child development, she has worked in the early childhood sector for over 20 years as an educator, TAFE teacher, small business owner, and advocate.

Tamika knows how important Labor Governments are for people doing it tough. She is the daughter of factory workers who grew up in social housing and was a single mother who experienced the struggle of raising young children while working two jobs. She proudly stands with the New Miles Labor Government, who are delivering real cost-of-living relief, better access to healthcare, and strong investments in education, including free Kindy and free TAFE.

The thought of returning an LNP government, with their track record of sacking frontline workers, empty promises of better healthcare, and the risk to women’s rights is reason she has chosen to stand up for her community.

As the representative for Broadwater, she will work to maintain and extend the best health care services, well-resourced schools and nearby TAFE. She will fight for ongoing investment in local small business to ensure they continue to grow and thrive in order to provide the jobs and opportunities needed for school leavers.