
Shayne Neumann

Member for Blair

Shayne Neumann is a Blair institution, having won the seat in 2007 and holding it through another five hard-fought elections.

He was born, raised and educated in Ipswich and proudly says his grandchildren are seventh generation Ipswichians. He was the first student from his high school to study law at university.

An Australian Labor Party member for over 40 years, Shayne has a strong commitment to social justice and fairness. He was a partner in a Brisbane law firm and a family law specialist before entering Parliament. While at university, he worked at the Dinmore meatworks and continues to advocate for workers across the electorate.

Shayne has held numerous Ministerial and Shadow Ministerial portfolios, including Health and Ageing, Indigenous Affairs, Immigration and Border Protection and Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel.  Currently, Shayne is the Chair of the Joint Standing Committee for Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade and the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Procedures.

Shayne and his wife attend their local Baptist Church in Ipswich. He is a history buff and avid reader. His other great love is sport, especially rugby league and basketball. But he can talk about nearly every sporting code across the world.