Equity groups
Equity Groups are formed by party members to promote and build equity within our party. They also undertake policy research, discussion and debate, targeted campaigning and community engagement.
Rainbow Labor Queensland (RLQ)

Rainbow Labor Queensland is the Lesbian Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer/Questioning Reference Committee of the Australian Labor Party (Queensland Branch). Rainbow Labor was formed in 2002 to advocate for and represent within the Australian Labor Party, the interests of LGBTIQ communities.
Rainbow Labor Queensland adheres to the Labor principles of fairness, justice and respect by working to end all forms of discrimination against members of the LGBTIQ community, wherever they live in Queensland.
Rainbow Labor can be contacted via email at rainbowlabor@queenslandlabor.org
Queensland Young Labor (QYL)

Queensland Young Labor is the representative body for all Queensland Labor Members between the ages of 15 and 25. We organise events to keep young members engaged and active in the party process. We represent more than 1000 members across Queensland, and fight to make sure the party and its policies are working for young people.
Our members are the backbone of Labor campaigns, doing calls, doorknocks and street stalling daily during local state and federal campaigns to make sure Labor governments get elected. Our events mostly focus on getting young people involved in the party and creating policy relevant to young people and our young members to make sure Labor is working for Queenslanders of all ages. Join today to make a difference!
Queensland Young Labor can be contacted via email at younglabor@queenslandlabor.org
Queensland Indigenous Labor Network (QILN)

Queensland Indigenous Labor Network (QILN) is dedicated to connecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members and supporters of the Australian Labor Party – Queensland Branch, with each other, and with other party units and organisations. QILN is dedicated to developing and advocating for policy platforms within the Australian Labor Party which will have an impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities. QILN is dedicated to promoting greater engagement with affiliated trade unions, party units, elected representatives and the broader community, particularly on issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The Queensland Indigenous Labor Network can be contacted via email at qiln@queenslandlabor.org
Labor Enabled (LEQ)

Labor Enabled was established to increase the participation in the political process of people with a lived experience of disability and/or mental illness. The opportunity to be involved in political life is at the heart of what it means to live in a democratic society. But there are many barriers that prevent people with a disability from getting involved in politics – Labor Enabled works to break them down.
It is vital that disabled people, those with mental illness and carers have a meaningful voice in policy development and adoption. Our monthly meetings are focused on the lived experience of our members and how those experiences can inform policy change in health, housing, transport, employment and many other areas. Please join us. Our motto is simple – advocate, include and empower.
Labor Enabled can be contacted via email at labor.enabled@queenslandlabor.org
Labor Women’s Network (LWN)

The Queensland Labor Women’s Network aims to get women involved in our party, encourage them to get active, and provide support to help them get the job done. With 50% representation in our state parliamentary caucus and the Palaszczuk/Miles government having implemented many reforms, we are seeing the effects of affirmative action. We are stronger together, and the QLWN prioritises working with women across our state to better support and mentor our members, so that we can drive policy changes to benefit all women. We are always keen to hear from members about what we can do to better support and encourage women in our party so you can get in touch via our Facebook Page.
Labor Women’s Network can be contacted via email at laborwomens@queenslandlabor.org
Multicultural Labor (MLQ)

Multicultural Labor is an equity group which aims to encourage and promote a culturally and linguistically diverse Australian Labor Party by encouraging the participation of members from CALD backgrounds to the greatest extent possible and to provide them with a forum to promote policies around multiculturalism. We also hope to make clear to others within the Labor movement as a whole, how cultural diversity enriches the whole movement and to improve dialogue between multicultural communities and the Australian Labor Party. If you are committed to multiculturalism you are welcome to join us!
Multicultural Labor can be contacted via email at multiculturallabor@queenslandlabor.org
Want to get involved? Contact Party Office and our team will put you in touch with the right people.
We also have a number of Labor Association Groups which you can get involved in. Find out more here.